Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying time with your families and not working too many hours trying to bring in those last minute gifts. I’ll keep it short, but as my little gift to you I wanted to share with you some fundraising ideas to try, if you haven’t already.

#donate – Have you seen this yet? This is being used on Facebook and Twitter. Donors can read your post and comment #donate. They are given a link to sign up on GoodWorld and enter their payment information. The next time they want to donate, they simply comment #donate with an amount and it’s done automatically. It’s great because once they are signed up it’s a super fast transaction that doesn’t involve lots of steps (read: more donors complete the transaction).

Donate button on Facebook – Do you have a donate button on your organization’s Facebook page? It’s simple to add one. First, you have to have a page (not a personal profile). Next, you change your “call to action” button from “contact us” to “donate now.” Anyone reading your page can click this button to be directed to the donation page on your web site. See how it works here: facebook.com/bellapetinsurancefund

Accept Car Donations – Have you told your donors that you can accept a car donation? You can! You won’t believe how easy it is if you haven’t done it already. There are several companies you can work with and most of they do not charge the non-profit for the service. You just register your organization with the company and tell your supporters. The donor calls the company and designates you as the recipient, the company picks up the car and sells it, then they send you a check less expenses. One of my favorites is carshelpingcharities.com, but there are other services too.

I hope this was helpful! Have a wonderful holiday season and happy fundraising in 2016!