My word for 2021? Curiosity
We got our son a kitten. This is Finnigan and he is delightful! He has charmed us all with his purring and affection. And he just wouldn’t be a kitten if he wasn’t curious. He wants to find out what’s on the counter, what’s on that high shelf, and what’s behind those boxes in the closet. His curiosity is entertaining and sweet.
I know what you’re thinking. “Curiosity killed the cat.” Isn’t it fascinating that we sometimes jump to the most negative outcome possible when we think about curiosity? I think of curiosity as a positive force with positive energy behind it. I once attended a workshop all about positive thinking, and they echoed this position. They described it this way:
Curiosity as an energetic force explores the field of all possibilities, asks questions, and seeks answers which empower and direct choices. It is a key factor contributing to creativity and flow. Doubt is the opposite of curiosity. As an extreme, it can completely stop forward momentum and flow, contributing to stagnation.
For me, 2020 was too often about Doubt. So personally, I am going to try to make 2021 all about Curiosity. I want to ask things like,
How might we…
I wonder what would happen if…
Have we ever tried to…
What if…
I want to notice perspectives different than mine and be curious about how they came to those conclusions. I want to see roadblocks as a chance to try something different. I want to test theories, get creative, push boundaries, and enjoy exploring all the possibilities.
I’m sure that at times, my curiosity will land me somewhere unexpected. I might even end up in some precarious situations, like Finnigan has. But right now, that feels preferable to playing it safe and letting doubt rule the day.
At some point, doubt will creep in. But luckily for me, we have a kitten companion who will constantly remind me to keep being curious instead.