Three Keys to Development Success
Many of my clients are looking for greater development success. Together we can develop fundraising strategies and I work with my clients on creating a plan. But real fundamental change and breakthrough results happen when organizations prioritize fundraising as essential.
Two studies were recently done to explore fundraising more deeply. Although they had different goals and asked different questions, they drew basically the same conclusions. The first study, Beyond Fundraising, explored what “Culture of Philanthropy” means to organizations. The second, Fundraising Bright Spots, took a look at organizations that are achieving breakthrough results in individual giving. Here are the three common themes about successful nonprofit fundraising that emerged:
1. Development is not a separate function, it is central to mission work and a core part of the organization’s identity.
2. Development is not a one person job. It’s a shared responsibility that goes way beyond the person with the development job title. Everyone has a part to play.
3. Engaged relationships with donors drive success. Development is not just a transaction of money moving from one place to another; it’s driven by meaningful relationships between staff, board members, and volunteers with donors.
A strategic fundraising plan is important. Fundraising staff support is important. Having an engaged board is important. Just know that true transformational change happens when development seeps into every cell of the organization – every staff member, every board member, every program, and every opportunity to build relationship with donors.
To read the studies for yourself, download the PDF’s here:
Beyond Fundraising
Fundraising Bright Spots