How to Retain More Digital Donors

Last week I was able to attend the Association of Fundraising Professionals International Conference in Boston. I’m excited to share with you some of the most valuable information I learned. One of my favorites was a session about retaining digital donors presented by Steven Shattuck of Bloomerang. He had some interesting data and straight-forward advice…


What Are Your Donors Thinking?

Have you ever read a Burk Donor Survey Report? I find them fascinating. This is the sixth annual research project studying the philanthropy habits of Americans and specifically how they feel about fundraising practices used by nonprofits. It’s an opportunity to find out what donors think about what we’re doing – AND – an opportunity…


Do You Have a Strategic Annual Fundraising Plan?

I enjoy teaching nonprofit professionals how to create a strategic annual fundraising plan. I know that many fundraisers don’t feel this is necessary or don’t have a consistent process they follow, but I think creating a plan every year is VERY important. After all, creating a plan helps you to: Think strategically: Creating a plan…