Culture of Philanthropy

The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

I know we have all heard the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side,” but I recently heard someone say instead “The grass is always greener where you water it.” This is truth! How often are we a little envious of how well things are going for another person, or another organization?…

Culture of Philanthropy

Donors, Fundraisers, and #MeToo

Did you know that 1 in 4 female fundraising professionals faces sexual harassment on the job? And that 65% of those women say that the Perpetrator was a Donor? I recently read the results of a survey done by the Association of Fundraising Professionals and The Chronicle of Philanthropy on the prevalence of sexual harassment…

Fundraising Mistakes

Can you help us find people with a lot of money?

I actually get asked this quite a bit. And the short answer is – no! My job is to help your organization to better understand fundraising best practices, not to play donor to organization matchmaker. And remember that part about fundraising being all about relationships? Why do we forget all about that when we want…